Shunting Ideas Around: What is Amtrak Thinking?
Welcome to Shunting Around Ideas, an editorial series on The Occasional Express. Today, I will be discussing the recent change to Amtrak's policy. Amtrak hasn't been very popular in recent years with rail enthusiasts. The government-run passenger company decided to stop giving insurance out to nonprofits who ran excursions in 2018. However, Amtrak's more recent policy change is much more controversial, and dangerous. According to Railway Age, Amtrak has changed their policy regarding lawsuits. In summary: Amtrak has made it so customers who buy a ticket agree to "mandatory" arbitration, which essentially means passengers (and their families) agree not to sue them. This includes, but is not limited to: Negligence Physical Impairment Pain & Suffering Emotional Distress Damages rising from any injury Now for reference to other transportation industries, airlines, according to Railway Age, were prohibited from arbitration. Bus operators, cruise lines ...