RJ Corman Group Donates "Old Smokey" to Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation
Another big donation for the Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation was announced today. The RJ Corman Railroad Group, a premier railroad company founded in 1973 by the late RJ Corman, and owner of 14 short lines, according to their website, announced the donation of the RJ Corman's steam locomotive, affectionately called "Old Smokey." Ed Quinn, President and CEO of RJ Corman Railroad Group, released a statement on the company's website to announce the donation. "Old Smokey" was built in 1986, and is a part of the world famous Chinese QJ class of 2-10-2 "Santa Fe" type, and worked until 2005. 3 QJ steam locomotives were exported to the United States by the Railroad Development Corporation, according to Mr. Quinn's announcement, including Old Smokey. In 2007, the late RJ Corman purchased her for nostalgic reasons, and was quoted as saying "How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been?" The ...